DOCKER 101: Publish DOCKER Image

DOCKER 101: Publish DOCKER Image



2 min read

Publishing a Docker image involves pushing the image to a container registry, such as Docker Hub or another registry provider. Here are the general steps to publish a Docker image:

  1. Create a Docker Image: Make sure you have already created a Docker image for your application using a Dockerfile. You can build the image using the following command:

     docker build -t your-image-name:tag .

    Replace your-image-name with the desired name for your Docker image, and tag with a version or label for the image.

  2. Login to Docker Hub (or Other Registry): If you are using Docker Hub, you need to log in to your account using the docker login command:

     docker login

    This command will prompt you to enter your Docker Hub username and password.

  3. Tag the Docker Image: Before pushing the image, you need to tag it with the registry repository and version:

     docker tag your-image-name:tag your-docker-username/your-repository:tag

    Replace your-docker-username with your Docker Hub username, your-repository with the repository name on Docker Hub, and tag with the version or label you want.

    Giving tag is optional as the default tag is "latest"

  4. Push the Docker Image: Once the image is tagged, you can push it to the registry:

     docker push your-docker-username/your-repository:tag

    This command uploads the Docker image to the specified repository on Docker Hub.

    Note: If you are using a different container registry (other than Docker Hub), adjust the registry URL accordingly in the tag and push commands.

  5. Verify on Docker Hub: Visit the Docker Hub website ( and log in to your account. You should see your pushed image in the repository.

That's it! Your Docker image is now published and can be pulled by others who have the appropriate permissions. Keep in mind that these steps assume you are using Docker Hub; if you're using a different registry, adjust the steps accordingly
