Debugging 2023: My Epic Quest of Coding Triumphs

Debugging 2023: My Epic Quest of Coding Triumphs

Table of contents

Some Back Story: 2022

Embarked on the coding odyssey with zero knowledge until 10th standard.

Joined Diploma Course

Overwhelmed by languages like C and web development intricacies, struggling with syntax errors while copying and pasting code teacher gave in labs.

First Year Diploma

Created a C++ command Line Project

  • Tour Booking service

Joined local bootcamp Called Raj Computer to learn

Taught around 15 languages for Rs. 50,000. for 3 years. Extended due to corona. Though it was basics it helped me give some confidence that I could code.

Created projects in

Why, because it was one of the subject in diploma

  • Car rental, without YouTube tutorial

  • Inventory Management, without YouTube tutorial

March 2022

Participated in a hackathon, battling imposter syndrome as I was not coding at all because of lack of experience, and felt my friend despised me. Despite challenges, reached the top 10.

Felt like it was the worst day of my Life.

Faced laptop update issues, sluggishness due to a lack of SSD, and struggled to keep up.

May, 2022

  1. Thought to learn app development to stand out of the crowd. but left it half way because of slow Laptop and confusion with emulator

  2. Got opportunity to work on building chat bot. but I was not happy to work on it. as the owner was adamant on doing research to work with the best framework

    Because of which the development process got very delayed and end up not happening as exam had come up and my motivation become zero

    Pros: was able to publish paper on chatbot

    Cons: Made me despise coding, because I entered into python development without any mentorship or fundamental knowledge

  • Sometimes its not about wasting time in perfecting each step, and just start doing

  • Now while writing this, I understood that we were not following agile property properly.

May 12, 2022: Created A Parallax Scrolling Website

html, CSS, JavaScript

Final Year (July,2022)

Final year project. was working with same hackathon team. They were able to create Web3 project. I felt so ashamed that those 3years of diploma. Jumping from one thing to other i was unable to accomplish something big in the tech world

August 2022

Created an Instagram photography account.

To start income through ads. but team was not strong enough to continue

November 2022,

Finished my diploma in computer engineering

My Main goal was to get rich by starting business.

  • Taught 10th student, but was not lucrative enough to become rich through it and it was pain teaching repetitive stuff.

  • Thought of starting a soap business. but it required lot of funding to work on scale. and if ran small business with customizable product margin were low

So I jumped first into learning to create brand through logo. (August 2022)

  • Resulted in exploring world of graphics design

  • Learnt:

    • Logo Design

    • Photoshop

    • Video Editing

    • Animation (After Effect)

  • Since, I was in third world. The work was just minimum vague. Hence I left.

Till now was running away from coding, because of high entry barrier than the above stuff and was running away from all of this by doing gym and audio books.

  • At last accepted that coding is the only way out on Feb 2023

They Year 2023:


No Coding Activity, Still was thinking to working in graphics design world + gym.


Worked On making website using Django.

Starting self-taught journey, where I would learn from YouTube tutorials. With no mentors. Happy to take first step. But confuse because of too much information bombarded simultaneously.

Feb. 4, Started Learning Django

Created notes on some fundamental concepts using google Docs.

Feb. 10, Social Media App

  • First Exposure to Django

  • Had quit working on project, because of problem. After talking with friend who had better experience with development. This attitude is not good. There will come many bugs or error in code you will have to face it for better learning experience.

  • Error was about creation or migration of data in database

  • Hence, took project again after completion of Marketplace App

Feb 28: Marketplace App

  • Tailwind in Django

Feb 28: Created GitHub Profile ReadMe

Feb 23, Started Revising CSS Basic

I was confused at this point of time. Which framework to master.

So I choose to explore. What I learned:

  1. You can make amazing projects in all language + Framework

  2. Your project will be appreciated by recruiter more if in framework of their choice. Hence, showcase projects or apply to job you have build project earlier for more acceptance

  3. In ever changing landscape of trend. You will learn multiple framework and language but there should be at least one robust widely used framework which you are good at for your personal project.

T-Shaped Skills & Their Importance in Hiring


March 16, Confusion of is Django worth it

Comparing Advantages and disadvantages of Django and Node JS

March 18: Did JS and ReactJS side by side

  • Tried to jump into react, took notes on 10 minute summary. Understand JS Before Entering into React JS

    Started Learning JS from fireship

March 27: React Recipe App

  • First time working with third party API call

March 31: React Todo App

  • Left incomplete: Since I was newbie at git, because of merge conflict. I lost all the progress.


April 5: One day projects

  • React Slider App: It was first experience into animation using framer motion

  • React Card Animation App: Enjoyed working with framer motion, made me work on another project

  • JS Clock: Felt I was missing out on JavaScript. So tried this project

April 6: Dive into Next JS on April 6

  • Mini Project by FireShip YT Tutorial. I thought his introduction video would be enough to understand Next.js. I was wrong. So later focused on getting better at react and took while to start new Next JS Project

March 18 - April 8: Worked on CSS Grid

  • While working on react projects. Thought my understand of CSS was not good enough.


May 4: JS Music Player

  • This project looked amazing, and had working with audio files. Eager for new experience and sharpening JS skills took up the project.

CSS Cards Animation

  • Wanted to improve my CSS knowledge. Wanted to know working of pseudo selector and classes and was intregued to implement some advance card UI and animation from the time Parallax Scrolling Website.

May 22: Started Learning DSA



July 12: Repo. Analytics using GitHub Actions


Aug 5: Started Sem V project, Version 1

  • Create Custom Hook For Theme Toggle

  • First Exposure to MUI

    • DataGrid

    • Theme Provider

Aug 10: DALLE Clone

Implemented Image Generation API + Cloudinary for cloud storage

Aug 13: Complete DSA

Aug. 16: Started Learning Node JS through scaler topics


Sept 19: Version 2 of Sem V Project

  • Implemented cloud storage for document upload

Sept 21: Learned all git command using Kunal Kushwaha Video

Sept 22: Started Working on Productivity SAAS

  • Implemented theme toggler

Sept 23: React Portfolio App

Sept 29: Scroll Animation using JS

Sept 29: Worked with Tanstack Table v7

Sept 30: Worked with Tanstack Table v8

  • First time working with Chakra UI


Oct 1: Worked with tanstack v8 table

Oct 3: Introduced to web Scrapping

Oct 3: Completed Sem V project

Oct. 4: Started Blogging on Hashnode

Oct. 5: Implemented Three.js

October 6: Joined Eddie Hub Community

Oct. 6: Dive into typescript

Oct 7 - 14: Dribbble Clone

  • Very Intense Project

  • First time working with GraphQl, GrafBase, next.js after some time, and NextAuth JS authentication.

  • Authentication and backend(GrafBase) part was somewhat confusing for me.

    • Wasn't aware of JWT, and google OAuth functionality

    • Since there was no clear separation of backend while using GrafBase, it might be due to my lack of experience with GraphQl

Oct. 14: Dive into Docker

Oct. 21: Dive into Kubernetes

October 23: My First opensource contribution

Oct 25: React Skeleton Loading

Oct 28: Create Insta Saved Content Web Scrapping Bot

  • Automatic login

  • Wait for page to load


Nov. 5: React Redux Todo App

  • First time working with Redux

Nov 9: Create Todo App on own

  • without redux, with MongoDB

Nov 10: React TypeScript Shopping Cart App

  • First time working with:

    • Context API, useContext hook

    • React Bootstrap


Dec 4: MERN Authentication

  • Created UI

  • Dec 7: Register + Validation

  • Dec 9: JWT

  • Dec 10: Generate and send OTP through mail + Verify OTP

  • Dec 11: First time working with Zustand Store

  • Dec 12: JWT session

  • Dec 13: Protected Routes

  • Dec 18: HTTP Only Cookie

Dec 16: MERN AWS S3 Image Upload

  • Custom Hook

  • Multer


Dec 20: React Dashboard:

  • Created UI

  • Dec 21: Data Visualization using rechart.js

    • Line Chart

    • Bar Chart

    • Pie Chart

    • Area Chart

  • Dec 22: Worked with MUI DataGrid + Modal

Dec 23: Udacity Agile Course

Happy With My Effort

This year it was a good learning experience that previous year because I was running away from development. I am happy with efforts put in, but there is always a feeling I could have done better

For sure will do better in 2024.


  1. I was confused. I jumped from one roadmap to another. Not satisfied in where I was.

  2. Its time to explore.

  3. There is no one right answer. Just stick to one thing you are confident about.


  • Contribute to opensource

  • Learn HTMX + GO stack

  • Stay firm in my decision, not change to make other feel good