JWT Secure Storage


5 min read

JWT Secure Storage

Securing JWT (JSON Web Tokens) involves considering both how you generate and manage the tokens on the server side and how you store and handle them on the client side. Here are some best practices for securely storing JWT tokens:

Server-Side Best Practices:

  1. Use Strong Algorithms:

    • Choose strong and secure signing algorithms for your JWT, such as HMAC with SHA-256 or RSA.
  2. Token Expiry:

    • Set a reasonable expiration time for JWT tokens. This limits the time window for potential abuse if a token is compromised.

    • Set a reasonable expiration time for JWT tokens to limit their validity. This reduces the impact of stolen tokens.

  3. Token Rotation:

    • Implement token rotation, which involves issuing a new token and invalidating the old one periodically or in response to certain events. This minimizes the impact of long-lived tokens.

    • Consider implementing token rotation to issue new tokens periodically or in response to certain events, reducing the window of opportunity for attackers.

  4. Protect Private Keys:

    • If you're using asymmetric algorithms (e.g., RSA), ensure that private keys are well-protected. Store them in a secure location, and restrict access to only authorized personnel.
  5. Secure Token Issuance:

    • Ensure that tokens are only issued to authenticated and authorized users. Implement proper authentication and authorization mechanisms.
  6. Implement Token Blacklisting:

    • Consider implementing a mechanism for token blacklisting or revocation. This can be useful if a user logs out or if suspicious activity is detected.

    • Implement a mechanism for token blacklisting or revocation if a user logs out or if suspicious activity is detected. This may require additional server-side logic.

  7. Secure Token Storage:

    • If tokens need to be stored on the server (e.g., in a database), ensure that the storage is secure. Use encryption if necessary, and apply the principle of least privilege.

    • Ensure that server-side storage of tokens is secure. Store sensitive information, such as private keys, securely and follow security best practices for server-side applications.

  8. Use HTTPS:

    • Always use HTTPS to encrypt the communication between the client and server. This helps prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.

Client-Side Best Practices:

  1. HttpOnly Cookies:

    • Store JWT tokens in HttpOnly cookies. This prevents JavaScript on the client side from accessing the token, reducing the risk of XSS attacks.

    • For web applications, consider storing JWT tokens in HttpOnly cookies. This prevents JavaScript on the client side from accessing the token, reducing the risk of XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) attacks.

  2. Secure Cookies:

    • Mark cookies as "Secure" if your application uses HTTPS. This ensures that cookies are only sent over encrypted connections.

    • Ensure that the cookies are marked as "Secure" if your application uses HTTPS. This ensures that the cookies are only sent over encrypted connections.

  3. SameSite Attribute:

    • Set the SameSite attribute on cookies to control when cookies are sent with cross-origin requests. This helps mitigate CSRF attacks.

    • Set the SameSite attribute on cookies to control when cookies are sent with cross-origin requests. This helps mitigate CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attacks.

        Set-Cookie: myToken=jwtToken; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=Strict;
  4. Token Storage:

    • If tokens need to be stored on the client (e.g., in a browser), consider using secure storage mechanisms such as sessionStorage or localStorage. Be cautious about using localStorage for sensitive tokens due to potential XSS vulnerabilities.
  5. Protect Against XSS:

    • Implement measures to protect against XSS attacks. This includes input validation, output encoding, and Content Security Policy (CSP) headers.

    • Implement measures to protect against XSS attacks to prevent attackers from injecting malicious scripts that could steal tokens. This includes input validation, output encoding, and Content Security Policy (CSP) headers.

  6. Token Renewal:

    • If tokens expire, implement a secure token renewal mechanism to obtain a new token without requiring the user to log in again.
  7. Store Tokens in Memory:

    • If your application is a Single Page Application (SPA), you might consider storing JWT tokens in memory rather than persistent storage, as long as it meets your application's security requirements.

Remember that security is a multi-layered approach, and applying a combination of these practices will help enhance the overall security of your JWT-based authentication system.

Implementing HTTP-only Cookies


  • Cannot be accessed through frontend libraries.


Make sure to install the required packages by running:

npm install express cors cookie-parser

1. Setup for Axios/Fetch API


// Enable sending cookies with cross-origin requests
axios.defaults.withCredentials = true;

Fetch API:

const url = 'http://example.com/api/data'; // Replace with your API endpoint

fetch(url, {
  method: 'GET', // or 'POST', 'PUT', etc.
  credentials: 'include', // Include cookies in the request
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json', // Set the content type if sending data
    // Add other headers as needed

2. Set up CORS

const express = require('express');
const cors = require('cors');
const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');

const app = express();
const port = 3000;

// Use CORS middleware to handle Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
  origin: 'http://example.com', // Replace with your frontend's origin
  credentials: true, // Enable credentials (cookies, authorization headers, etc.)


app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`Server is running on port ${port}`);
app.get('/set-cookie', (req, res) => {
  // Set HTTP-only cookie
  res.cookie('myCookie', 'exampleValue', { httpOnly: true });

  res.send('HTTP-only cookie set successfully!');
app.get('/get-cookie', (req, res) => {
  // Retrieve HTTP-only cookie
  const myCookieValue = req.cookies.myCookie;

  if (myCookieValue) {
    res.send(`Value of myCookie: ${myCookieValue}`);
  } else {
    res.send('myCookie not found!');

Ensure you customize the values, such as the frontend's origin and the API endpoint, to fit your specific project requirements.
